Control a Behringer digital mixer
Footswitch with embbeded software modules that connect wirelessly or ethernet to the digital mixer and allow each member of the band to manage his own mix.! This product is a good hardware companion to existing solutions (Mixing station, Xedit, X-Touch) as it is controlled using the foot, directly by the musicians, which provides additional comfort for them as well as for the sound managers.
Watch it in action!
Info: the model presented in the video can be different than the current version but features remains the same
The next step in remote control!
The Footswitch propose the following Software Modules :
- The USB player : works for XR12, XR16 & X32 and allow you to trigger WAV player
- The Snapshot loader : allow to instantly load scene or snapshot
- The 5 strips controler : these module have each 12 strips which are fully customizable to fit user need
Strip contoler modules are pre-configured as following:
- “Myself“: usefull when you want to control your own channel on your own monitor and to the front
- “Others“: allow you to control channels sends to your monitor
- “FX“: control FX sends to your your monitor
- “FX Delay“: control the “time” for FX that have such parameter
- “Custom“: base module if you like to start from scratch with 12 configurable strips.
Notice that these pre-configuration are here to help as a starting point but module can be renamed and fully re-configured according to your own need.
- Automation can be performed using macro. The basic principle of macro is that it records everything that happens on the mixer during a certain period of time to be able to replay it at a later stage.
- Footswitch can connect internet to get automated update/licences and other features (provided the network it is connected to has web connectivity)
- Data are synchronised real time bi-directionally with the mixer and any other device
- Configuration is performed using a web application from any computer or mobile device. You can see a demo here
- You can save multiple user profile and configuration and switch easily between them
Available strips
A strip represents a channel, an FX, a Bus or other feature like a Gain. Strips are user defined and can be defined for all modules

Full automation with macro
The basic principle of macro is that it records everything that happens on the mixer during a certain period of time to be able to replay it at a later stage.
Limited quantity are offered as the production is at very small scale. No risk: you have 14 days to test the footswitch and if you are not happy, you can send it back and be refunded! (see our terms & conditions)

Use cases
The footswitch is fully configurable via web application. Updates can also be done automatically remotely or locally. Try it !